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Norna Odacia Natural

Climbing net

The Odacia climbing frame enhances a trim trail with a competitive and safe environment for children to test their limits. It improves coordination, strength, and motor skills. The Naturlek range offers nature-inspired trim trail units that can be creatively combined to design a unique play trail. With organic shapes and earthy colors, they blend well with green spaces and have a low visual impact. The Naturlek system provides activity options that encourage imagination and challenge. Running between obstacles also boosts fitness levels. Constructed from durable Robinia wood, the range resists harsh weather, decay, and vandalism. Its dense composition makes it ideal for outdoor equipment. It complies with the strict standards of the EN350-2 EU Timber regulation and is classified as class 1, representing the most solid type of timber.



4000 x 6800

  •  3-12 3-12
  •  6.5 hrs 6.5
  •  2200 2200
  •  23m² 23
  • Age Range: 3-12
  • Assembly Time: 6.5 hours
  • Length (mm): 2800 mm
  • Width (mm): 200 mm
  • Height (mm): 2100 mm
  • Net Weight: 140,00 kg
  • Volume (m3): 0.54 m³
  • Fall Height (mm): 2200 mm
  • Safety Area Width (mm): 4000 mm
  • Safety Area Length (mm): 6800 mm
  • Safety Area : 23 m²
Read more about safety areas

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