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Barbeque Grill Pepper

This is a compact version of the larger Chilli grill with all the great features, but ideal for smaller areas. Like its predecessor, the stylish, strong and durable grill is suitable for all environments, all year round. The Pepper has the same great functional design with a modern look. Users can cook a variety of foods using charcoal or wood and people will appreciate the optimal air circulation for a great cooking experience.


  • Assessed by Byggvarubedömningen, Grade: Accepted
  • Length (mm): 850 mm
  • Width (mm): 450 mm
  • Height (mm): 800 mm
  • Net Weight: 59,50 kg


Material kg %
Powder coating polyester 1.4 2.4
Stainless steel 0.2 0.4
Untreated Steel 57.8 97.2
Zink (electro-galvanised) 0 0
  59 kg 100%

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