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Litter Bin Sergel

140 L

Sergel's large capacity combined with the beautiful shape, has made it very popular in urban environments. The wide and low opening makes it possible to throw even bulky waste such as pizza boxes, but makes it difficult for larger birds to sit on the edge. The door is opened with a standard triangular key and the completely hidden sack is easily released without unnecessary lifting. Sergel is available as standard in black or hot-dip galvanized, but can also be offered in other colors. Design: Janne Wickelgren


Sunken Foundation

140 L
Galvanised – Sunken Foundation

  •  0.5 hrs 0.5
  • Assembly Time: 0.5 hours
  • Length (mm): 550 mm
  • Width (mm): 610 mm
  • Height (mm): 1140 mm
  • Net Weight: 150,00 kg
  • Volume (m3): 0.66 m³
Read more about anchoring


Material kg %
Aluminum 0 0
Polyamide (PA) 0 0
Polyester 0 0
Polyurethane foam/flex 0 0
Powder coating polyester 0 0
Rubber 0 0
Stainless steel 0.8 0.7
Untreated Steel 107.9 98.2
Zink (electro-galvanised) 0 0
Zink (hot-galvanised) 1.2 1
  110 kg 100%

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