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Norna Holly Natural

Chalk board & water play

Holly is an educational board that allows children to play with water and observe simple scientific phenomena. The engaging graphics also capture the interest of younger children. The Naturlek range consists of nature-inspired trim trail units that can be combined to create a customized play trail. With their organic shapes and earthy hues, these designs have a low visual impact and blend well with green spaces. The Naturlek system offers flexible activity options that encourage children to challenge themselves, use their imagination, and improve their fitness levels. Crafted from durable Robinia wood, the range is resistant to harsh weather, decay, and vandalism. It meets the stringent standards of the EN350-2 EU Timber Regulation and is classified as class 1, indicating its exceptional quality.



200 x 2400

  •  1-3 1-3
  •  5-12 5-12
  •  3-5 3-5
  •  3.5 hrs 3.5
  • Age Range: 1-3, 5-12, 3-5
  • Assembly Time: 3.5 hours
  • Length (mm): 2400 mm
  • Width (mm): 260 mm
  • Height (mm): 1400 mm
  • Net Weight: 90,00 kg
  • Volume (m3): 0.792 m³
  • Safety Area Width (mm): 200 mm
  • Safety Area Length (mm): 2400 mm


Material kg %
Acrylic (PMMA) 4.5 5
Aluminum 0 0
Plywood 36 40
Robinia Pseudoacacia 27 30
Sibirian larch wood 9 10
Stainless steel 13.5 15
  90 kg 100%

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