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Norna Edgy Color

Sandpit single boader

Sand play benefits children's sensory development and fosters exploration of mathematical concepts like weight and volume. It develops fine motor skills, sparks creativity, and offers therapeutic advantages. The Naturlek range includes nature-inspired trim trail units that can be combined for a customized play trail. Their organic shapes and earthy hues blend well with green spaces, ensuring a low visual impact. The Naturlek system encourages imagination and challenge through non-prescriptive activities. Running between obstacles enhances fitness levels. Crafted from durable Robinia wood, the range withstands weather, decay, and vandalism. Its dense composition suits outdoor equipment. It complies with EN350-2 EU Timber regulations and holds a class 1 classification for exceptional sturdiness. Robinia trunks are also available for edging, sold by the meter.


  •  0.1 hrs 0.1
  •  200 200
  • Assembly Time: 0.1 hours
  • Length (mm): 2000 mm
  • Width (mm): 160 mm
  • Height (mm): 160 mm
  • Net Weight: 9,00 kg
  • Volume (m3): 0.16 m³
  • Fall Height (mm): 200 mm


Material kg %
Aluminum 0 0
Robinia Pseudoacacia 9 100
  9 kg 100%

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