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Bicycle Shelter Capella

Roof Vaulted w Tin roof

With a sturdy steel frame and reinforced roof, Capella requires low maintenance and is virtually vandal-resistant, making it suitable for busy environments such as schools or urban areas. The space optimising structure can accommodate upto 12 bikes and can be expanded to meet different needs in terms of space and budget.


  •  12 hrs 12
  • Age Range: -
  • Assembly Time: 12 hours
  • Length (mm): 4300 mm
  • Width (mm): 2600 mm
  • Height (mm): 2300 mm
  • Net Weight: 479,97 kg
  • Volume (m3): 4.5 m³


Material kg %
Stainless steel 0.7 0.1
Untreated Steel 493.5 95
Zink (electro-galvanised) 0 0
Zink (hot-galvanised) 25.1 4.8
  519 kg 100%

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