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Bicycle Shelter Boras 18 PL

18 Pl

The HAGS Borås Cycle Shed is a secure and practical storage solution designed specifically for bicycles. It offers a safe and organized space to store bicycles, protecting them from theft, vandalism, and harsh weather conditions. With its durable construction, user-friendly features, and customizable options, the Borås Cycle Shed is an ideal choice for schools, businesses, residential areas, and public spaces.


Cast In Place

18 Places
Galvanised – Cast In Place

  • Length (mm): 6000 mm
  • Width (mm): 2350 mm
  • Height (mm): 1950 mm
  • Net Weight: 290,00 kg
  • Volume (m3): 6.5 m³
Read more about anchoring


Material kg %
Pine 15.7 5.2
Untreated Steel 271.2 90.2
Wet paint for wood 0.4 0.1
Zink (electro-galvanised) 0 0
Zink (hot-galvanised) 13.2 4.4
  301 kg 100%

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