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UniPlay Essentials Phobos

UniPlay Essentials Phobos playground unit is created for children aged 5-12 years, featuring two 1.5m high towers that challenge and develop physical skills. These towers are interconnected by a wobbly rope bridge, complete with handrails to ensure safety and confidence as children move between them. One tower offers access via a climbing wall, leading to an exhilarating slide descent, while the other can be reached through a rope ladder, ending with a fun and unique glider descent. Additionally, Phobos includes a ground-level play panel, making it an inclusive play option that engages a broader range of children. This unit is designed to offer a diverse play experience, from climbing and balancing to sliding and gliding, encouraging active play, coordination, and imaginative fun in a safe and engaging environment. Available in both timber or steel options, with colourful HPL panels. It comes with installation flexibility, including cast in place, sunken foundation, or above-ground anchoring. 


Cast In Place

Wooden Post Wooden Posts / HPL Panels
Green – Cast In Place


7100 x 7950

  •  22.79 hrs 22.79
  •  1500 1500
  •  43m² 43
  • Assembly Time: 22.79 hours
  • Length (mm): 4450 mm
  • Width (mm): 4200 mm
  • Height (mm): 3850 mm
  • Net Weight: 486,29 kg
  • Fall Height (mm): 1500 mm
  • Safety Area Width (mm): 7100 mm
  • Safety Area Length (mm): 7950 mm
  • Safety Area : 43 m²
Read more about safety areas
Read more about anchoring

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