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Spring Toy Willy

6 seater

Time to go on an adventure! Children will love going on their imaginary journeys through the Amazonian jungle and deep into the African deserts in this safari jeep. The Willy Jeep is great for inclusive and group play. Children of various ages and abilities can play together and gain shared play experiences as they immerse themselves in their stories. The four sturdy springs and shock absorbers make for a smooth wobble and bouncy ride.


Sunken Foundation

6 seater
Green – Sunken Foundation

EN1176 ASTM F1487 CSA Z614
Age Range 5-12 yrs 5-12 yrs 5-12 yrs
Assembly Time 2h 2h 2h
Length 2380 mm 7' 10" 2380 mm
Width 1480 mm 4' 10" 1480 mm
Net Weight 476 kgs 1049 lbs 476 kgs
Fall Height 900 mm 4' 3" 1300 mm
Safety Area Width 4800 mm 18' 0 5411 mm
Safety Area Length 5700 mm 20' 11" 6313 mm
Safety Area 25 m² 345 ft² 32 m²
Volume 10 m³ 353.14 ft³ 10 m³

NB: EN1176 certification pending.

Read more about safety areas
Read more about anchoring


Material kg %
Aluminum 17.8 4.6
Cast iron 0.4 0.1
Concrete 82 21.1
HPL 58.3 15
Plywood 6.6 1.7
Polyamide (PA) 0.1 0
Polyethylene (PE) 18.1 4.6
Polyurethane foam/flex 4.2 1.1
Powder coating polyester 3.6 0.9
Rubber 1.1 0.3
Stainless steel 0 0
Untreated Steel 187.7 48.3
Wet paint for wood 0 0
Zink (electro-galvanised) 0.1 0
Zink (hot-galvanised) 8.6 2.2
  389 kg 100%

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