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Slackline 2m Rope


The 2m Slackline rope is an ideal starter size which is sure to attract both young and old adventure seekers! When combined with the Slackline platforms, 3m, 4m and jungle ropes, you can create an exciting rope trail that will challenge people’s balance and draw a crowd of onlookers!


ASTM F1487
CSA Z614
Age Range 3-12 yrs 5-12 yrs 5-12 yrs
Assembly Time 1h 1h 1h
Length 1850 mm 6' 2" 1850 mm
Width 150 mm 0' 6" 150 mm
Net Weight 3 kgs 7 lbs 3 kgs
Fall Height 450 mm 1' 6" 450 mm
Safety Area Width 3050 mm 12' 3" 3672 mm
Safety Area Length 4850 mm 18' 2" 5479 mm
Safety Area 13 m² 191 ft² 18 m²
Volume 0 m³ 0 ft³ 0 m³
Read more about safety areas

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